Posted on 7/10/2023

Hello Cayenne here on this beautiful summer day and I can see for miles and miles. If you're gonna drive around the Los Altos area, you've got to be able to see! So having a good set of windshield wipers is extremely important. We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm or when our windshield is just dirty, especially with all the construction being built around town. It gets on our windshield and blocks our beautiful view of California. So today, we are going to wipe our windshields clean and bark about wiper blades. Let's get barkin'!
It seems like your wiper blades are always at their worst when you need them the most. But windshield wipers are like most other vehicle parts– they require regular attention in order to work their best.
You really ought to replace your wiper blades twice a year, in the spring and the fall. If it's going to be a particularly harsh winter in CA, you may even want to get special winter blades in the fall. Winter blades are designed to resist freezing.
Speaking of winter and freezing conditions, if your car has been sitting for a long time and the windshield becomes frozen, don't use your wipers to clear off snow and ice. That'll just tear up the blades and cause them to wear out more quickly. It may even damage the wiper motor.
Over time, wiper blades become hard and brittle and then tear. They also lose their flexibility and just don't cover the windshield effectively.
Worn wiper blades aren't just a safety hazard; they can also scratch your windshield. That may require replacing the entire windshield, a big cost for such a little part.
Replace worn blades right away. Our professionals at Allied Auto Works can provide you with a quality replacement blade. They cost about the same as they would at the store, but installation is included at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos.
Of course, you also need windshield washer fluid to help your blades do their work. Even though Allied Auto Works will top off the washer fluid with a full-service oil change, it is a good idea to have some extra fluid at home or in the car if you are on a long trip.
Always use windshield washer fluid. Plain water, even that fancy bottled water, may freeze in the fluid reservoir or on the windshield itself, making things worse. Besides, water won't do a good job of cleaning your windows.
And remember that some vehicles have two reservoirs: one for the windshield and one for the back window, which may be under the hood or somewhere in the back.
So follow these tips to keep your windshield clear and your eye on the road, and give us a call.
A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent, in The Charleston Gazette, as quoted in The Reader's Digest, 1994

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 9/22/2020

Cayenne here and today is the first day of fall. Even though the weather is still summer-like soon we will see rain and now is the time to get your wiper blades checked.
Wiper blades are critically important to Los Altos drivers for good driving visibility and safety. When it’s time to replace your wiper blades, there are a number of different wiper blade designs and grades. Los Altos drivers should always use at least the design or grade that came with their vehicle.
If you live in CA where there is a lot of wet weather, flying insects, or you do a lot of highway driving, you may want to upgrade to a more advanced design or premium quality wiper blade. Your friendly and professional Allied Auto Works service advisor can share the options available for your vehicle and help you decide which wiper blades are optimal for you.
Give Allied Auto Works a call today and tell them Cayenne sent you,
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 3/10/2020

WIPE OUT! No, we are not barking about the song Wipe Out by The Safaris, we are barking WIPER BLADES! Hi Duke here and today I will bark to how important it is to have new wiper blades especially at the start of a new season and since Spring starts on March 19 no better time than now to get you motivated and get the new wiper blades.
When people in Los Altos talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around CA? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them or our wiper blades fail.
It's estimated that around 46 million people are driving with wipers that won't keep their windshields clear during a storm — that's 46 million people with impaired vision during a storm. For safety's sake, Los Altos drivers need to change the way they think about wiper blades. Most of us, 78% in fact, only change our wiper blades after they fail. In other words, we don't get new ones until the old ones become a safety hazard. Instead, we need to make wiper blades part of our preventive maintenance routine.
Wiper blades should be changed twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. In CA areas that experience harsh winter weather, special blades are available that prevent ice and snow from collecting on the wiper. Ask your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Allied Auto Works about wiper blades that repel ice and snow.
No matter what blades you use on your vehicle in the winter, don't expect them to clear the ice and snow from your windshield after your vehicle has been parked for a while. Using your wipers will shred your blades and may even damage your wiper motor. And don't drive on Los Altos roads with a frosted windshield. That's a serious safety hazard. It can cause accidents, and you could be held liable.
Wiper blades are subjected to harsh conditions in CA. They're out in the Los Altos sun and in the cold. Over time, they become hard and brittle and lose their flexibility. Then they start to tear. Without flexibility, wipers just can't clear a windshield of water or snow. And torn wipers can actually scratch your windshield. Then the entire windshield has to be replaced — along with the wiper blades. It's a prime example of how preventive maintenance could have saved you repair bill.
Los Altos drivers can purchase new wiper blades at Allied Auto Works or at any Los Altos auto parts store. They cost about the same. But at Allied Auto Works we'll also throw in the installation.
Once you have good wipers installed, don't forget to top off your windshield washer fluid. If you take your vehicle in for a full-service oil change at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos, your washer fluid will get topped off then. But it's good auto advice to purchase a jug of washer fluid to keep at home — just in case. And pack it in the car when you go on long trips.
While we're on the subject, Allied Auto Works advises Los Altos drivers to always fill their washer fluid reservoir with windshield washer fluid. Don't ever use water. Water can freeze in the reservoir, which can damage it. It can also freeze onto your windshield. Besides, plain water just can't get a windshield clean. Think about it. Do you use plain water to clean your bathroom mirrors? And a bathroom mirror doesn't get exposed to anything near the gunk that can end up on your windshield. Windshield washer fluid was designed to do one thing — to clean windshields. Let it do its job.
A clean windshield is not just good vehicle care for Los Altos drivers — it's also a safety feature. Let's keep it that way.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 12/1/2019
Hey Duke here and don't you get annoyed when someone can't make a decision, they go back and forth. Wishy-Washy I call it. Well, the other thing you do not want to be Wishy-Washy is your car's windshield washer fluid. So today, I am going to bark straight to the point so no Wishy-Washy advice here. Let's get barkin'!
Perhaps you've found yourself driving when something all of a sudden splashes on your windshield, obstructing your view. You know that sinking feeling when you try to turn on the windshield washers and no fluid comes out. Now you're blinded even more. What can you do?
The best thing is to make sure your windshield washer fluid is always topped off and ready for these situations. You probably figure you'll grab a bottle of that blue stuff you see in the store. But is that really the right choice?
One thing you know ISN'T the right choice is plain water. It can freeze when temperatures drop. Plus, when it's close to the freezing mark outside, spraying water on your windshield can freeze, turning it literally into frosted glass and blinding you suddenly. Water freezing in your vehicle's washer lines can also damage them.
There are different types of windshield washer fluid made for different climates. Many have alcohol to prevent them from freezing; their label will usually tell you at what temperature they'll start to freeze.
Some washer fluids will have detergents in them so they can cut through contaminants and dirt. Still, other washer fluids have a chemical in them to prevent streaking.
Also, keep in mind some washer fluids are made to be put in your fluid reservoir as is; others are made to be diluted.
No matter what washer fluid you pick, make sure you have plenty of it in your vehicle. Our pros at Allied Auto Works can top off your levels with the right kind of fluid. That's also a good reminder to have your windshield washer system working properly. Your technician can check not only the washers but the wiper blades and motor to make sure all are in top condition. The worst time you can discover it is usually when you need it most.
Well, I hope you liked my straight forward advice today, straight from your favorite hound's mouth,

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 5/29/2019

Hi Duke here on this beautiful Spring day and today since a lot people are getting geared up for summer trips, I thought I would bark to you about what do in case you get in an accident. First watch my video below.
If you've ever been in a vehicle accident around Los Altos, CA, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.
Let's review what you should do in case of an accident in Los Altos, CA:
When an accident occurs, you should always stop. Leaving the scene of an accident is considered a crime in CA, even if it's not your fault. And hit-and-run penalties are fairly severe, possibly resulting in steep fines, loss of your driver's license or even jail time in our local Los Altos lockup.
Most places, including CA, require that you try to help someone who is injured by calling for help or performing first aid if you are able.
Warn other Los Altos motorists by putting out flares, using your flashers or lifting your hood.
Call 911 as soon as possible. Tell the operator if medical or fire help is needed.
Always file a police report. It's tempting to skip this if everything seems to be ok. But without a police report, the other guy can say whatever he wants about the accident later, and you won't have an objective report to help defend yourself.
Discuss the accident only with the police. Emotions are strong after an accident and we naturally want to talk about it – don't. Never admit fault or guilt to anyone, including the police officer. Sometimes we may feel at fault, but in the eyes of CA law, the other guy may be responsible.
Truthfully give the officer the facts: such as, "I was going 35 miles per hour," or, "I was going 55 kilometers per hour," not, "I wasn't speeding." Remember, anything you say to the officer or anyone else can be used against you.
Also get the officer's name and badge number and ask where you can get a copy of the accident report.
Get the facts on the driver and owner of the other vehicle:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Driver's license number and expiration
- Insurance information
Also take down a description of the other vehicle, license plate and vehicle identification number (VIN). Most insurance companies don't record license plate numbers, so the VIN is the best way to track the vehicle.
Ask witnesses, including passengers, to wait for the police. If they can't wait, ask for contact information and request that they write a brief description of what they saw. If someone refuses to leave their name, write down their license plate number so the police can track them down later if necessary.
Always call your insurance agent or your CA auto insurance company's 800 number.
Call or see your local Los Altos physician if you think you may have been injured.
Allied Auto Works and I hope that you never have to use this information and wish you happy travels.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 1/3/2019

Duke here and welcome to 2019 and today by no accident we are going to bark about what do in case of an accident.
If you've ever been in a vehicle accident around the South Bay, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do.
Let's review what you should do in case of an accident in Los Altos, CA: See my video first below.
When an accident occurs, you should always stop. Leaving the scene of an accident is considered a crime in CA, even if it's not your fault. And hit-and-run penalties are fairly severe, possibly resulting in steep fines, loss of your driver's license or even jail time in our local Los Altos lockup.
Most places, including CA, require that you try to help someone who is injured by calling for help or performing first aid if you are able.
Warn other Los Altos motorists by putting out flares, using your flashers or lifting your hood.
Call 911 as soon as possible. Tell the operator if medical or fire help is needed.
Always file a police report. It's tempting to skip this if everything seems to be ok. But without a police report, the other guy can say whatever he wants about the accident later, and you won't have an objective report to help defend yourself.
Discuss the accident only with the police. Emotions are strong after an accident and we naturally want to talk about it – don't. Never admit fault or guilt to anyone, including the police officer. Sometimes we may feel at fault, but in the eyes of CA law, the other guy may be responsible.
Truthfully give the officer the facts: such as, "I was going 35 miles per hour," or, "I was going 55 kilometers per hour," not, "I wasn't speeding." Remember, anything you say to the officer or anyone else can be used against you.
Also get the officer's name and badge number and ask where you can get a copy of the accident report.
Get the facts on the driver and owner of the other vehicle:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Driver's license number and expiration
- Insurance information
Also take down a description of the other vehicle, license plate and vehicle identification number (VIN). Most insurance companies don't record license plate numbers, so the VIN is the best way to track the vehicle.
Ask witnesses, including passengers, to wait for the police. If they can't wait, ask for contact information and request that they write a brief description of what they saw. If someone refuses to leave their name, write down their license plate number so the police can track them down later if necessary.
Always call your insurance agent or your CA auto insurance company's 800 number.
Call or see your local Los Altos physician if you think you may have been injured.
We here at Allied Auto Works hope that you never have to use this information and wish you happy travels on your New Year 2019!

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 9/26/2018
Hi Cayenne here and today I am going to keep it short and sweep, yes I said sweep as in your wiper blades and when to replace them now that we are entering in Fall. So before you yawn, let's get barkin'!
There are several important factors that go into how often Los Altos drivers should replace their wiper blades. Of course, the more you use your wipers, the faster the blades will wear out – especially if you use them on an icy windshield. Whether it’s a lot of bugs and road grime from CA freeway driving or lots of wet weather – your blades get a work out and start to wear.
But your wiper blades break down even when they aren’t used frequently. They are damaged by sunlight and temperature changes as well. The rubber in the blades can dry out and crack and eventually fall apart. Check your wipers: If they’re not doing their important job, have them replaced at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos.
Talk to your Allied Auto Works service advisors, Matt and Travis about how you drive - we can counsel you on the optimal blades for your needs.
May you see everything clearly now,
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 3/14/2018
90% of our driving decisions are based on vision. Anything that impedes your vision can affect your driving safety – including a dirty windshield. Hi, Duke here and as you can see or not, we are going to talk briefly about your wiper blades and how they can effect your driving. So let's get barkin' on this subject and see things in a different view!
In that sense, your wiper blades are an important safety system. Most Los Altos drivers will wait until their wipers have failed before they replace them. Then they find themselves in a driving situation around CA when they really need forward visibility only to discover that their wipers are worn or maybe even torn and can’t clear snow or rain from the windshield.
As an important safety system, wiper blades should be replaced BEFORE they fail. Test your wipers at least once a month. If they are not doing the job, your friendly and professional Allied Auto Works service advisor can replace them for you.
Give Allied Auto Works a call today and tell them Duke helped you see the light.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 3/14/2018

Hi Cayenne here and if you've ever been in a vehicle accident around Los Altos , Cupertino Sunnyvale, or Mt. View, even a minor one, you know how upsetting it can be. It's hard to think straight and know what to do. Well I 'm here to bark and review with you what you should do in case of an accident right here in the South Bay.
When an accident occurs, you should always stop. Leaving the scene of an accident is considered a crime in CA, even if it's not your fault. And hit-and-run penalties are fairly severe, possibly resulting in steep fines, loss of your driver's license or even jail time in our local Los Altos lockup.
Most places, including CA, require that you try to help someone who is injured by calling for help or performing first aid if you are able.
Warn other Los Altos motorists by putting out flares, using your flashers or lifting your hood.
Call 911 as soon as possible. Tell the operator if medical or fire help is needed.
Always file a police report. It's tempting to skip this if everything seems to be ok. But without a police report, the other guy can say whatever he wants about the accident later, and you won't have an objective report to help defend yourself.
Discuss the accident only with the police. Emotions are strong after an accident and we naturally want to talk about it – don't. Never admit fault or guilt to anyone, including the police officer. Sometimes we may feel at fault, but in the eyes of CA law, the other guy may be responsible.
Truthfully give the officer the facts: such as, "I was going 35 miles per hour," or, "I was going 55 kilometers per hour," not, "I wasn't speeding." Remember, anything you say to the officer or anyone else can be used against you.
Also get the officer's name and badge number and ask where you can get a copy of the accident report.
Get the facts on the driver and owner of the other vehicle:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Driver's license number and expiration
- Insurance information
Also take a picture with your cell phone or write down a description of the other vehicle, license plate and vehicle identification number (VIN). Most insurance companies don't record license plate numbers, so the VIN is the best way to track the vehicle.
Ask witnesses, including passengers, to wait for the police. If they can't wait, ask for contact information and request that they write a brief description of what they saw. If someone refuses to leave their name, write down their license plate number so the police can track them down later if necessary.
Always call your insurance agent or your CA auto insurance company's 800 number.
Call or see your local Los Altos physician if you think you may have been injured.
Cayenne and the team at Allied Auto Works hope that you never have to use this information and wish you happy travels.

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 12/7/2017

Cayenne here and you can clearly see that I am right in your face today. So I thought I would bark about Wiper Blades and how important they are this time of year with rain, snow and dirt flying onto your as I always clearly say, let's get barkin'!
If you're gonna drive around the Los Altos area, you've got to be able to see! So having a good set of windshield wipers is extremely important. We've all experienced the frustration and fear of not being able to see clearly during a storm or when our windshield is just dirty.
It seems like your wiper blades are always at their worst when you need them the most. But windshield wipers are like most other vehicle parts– they require regular attention in order to work their best.
You really ought to replace your wiper blades twice a year; in the spring and the fall. If it's going to be a particularly harsh winter in CA, you may even want to get special winter blades in the fall. Winter blades are designed to resist freezing.
Speaking of winter and freezing conditions, if your car has been sitting for a long time and the windshield becomes frozen, don't use your wipers to clear off snow and ice. That'll just tear up the blades and cause them to wear out more quickly. It may even damage the wiper motor.
Over time, wiper blades become hard and brittle, and then tear. They also lose their flexibility and just don't cover the windshield effectively.
Worn wiper blades aren't just a safety hazard; they can also scratch your windshield. That may require replacing the entire windshield, a big cost for such a little part.
Replace worn blades right away. Our professionals at Allied Auto Works can provide you with a quality replacement blade. They cost about the same as they would at the store, but installation is included at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos.
Of course you also need windshield washer fluid to help your blades do their work. Even though Allied Auto Works will top off the washer fluid with a full service oil change, it is a good idea to have some extra fluid at home, or in the car if you are on a long trip.
Always use windshield washer fluid. Plain water, even that fancy bottled water, may freeze in the fluid reservoir or on the windshield itself, making things worse. Besides, water won't do a good job of cleaning your windows.
And remember that some vehicles have two reservoirs: one for the windshield and one for the back window, which may be under the hood or somewhere in the back.
So follow these tips to keep your windshield clear and your eye on the road, and give Allied Auto Works a call and tell them Cayenne helped you see things in a better light!

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024