Los Altos Auto Repair

Working Time: Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Allied Auto Works(650) 968-7227
Duke and Cayenne | Allied Auto Works Grant Road

Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Corner

"Welcome to Duke and Cayenne’s Automotive Education Blog. Each week, Duke and Cayenne open their book of knowledge to bark with you. Check back often to see how they can teach an old dog new tricks. Never stop learning!"



Category Archives: Cabin Air Filter

Duke Answers "Why is Air Not Coming Out of My Vents?"


Duke here and you know when you climb inside your vehicle, start the ignition, and reach for the fan control for the heating or air conditioning, but no air comes out of the vents. It can make for a very uncomfortable trip, whether hot or cold outside.  Well today we are going blow some reasons into why air is not coming out of our vents.  So open up your vents and let's get barkin'!

It’s important for the comfort of you and your passengers to regulate the temperature in your vehicle’s cabin.  Not having air coming through the vents can also be a safety issue when trying to defrost the windshield and front windows when they fog up and your visibility is affected.  

There can be many reasons why the air isn’t blowing through your vents.  The blower motor may have failed or the switch that controls it wore out.  It could be as simple as a blown fuse, or perhaps an electrical component that regulates the fan speed may have stopped working. One of the ducts that direct the air from the outside to the cabin may have broken.  The air intake where the outside air is collected may be clogged up with leaves or other debris.

If your vents aren’t blowing air, it’s time to bring in your vehicle to have one of our technicians diagnose and repair it. They will examine the electrical and mechanical components to see where the problem is. The remedy can be simple or involve a more extensive repair.  

Keeping the cabin temperature temperate and having good airflow is vital to your comfort, especially when the weather outside is extremely hot or cold. 

Us Hounds, though, love the air in our faces wether hot or cold, so we just stick our heads out the window and take it all in, 




Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Duke Breathes Easier (Cabin Air Filter)


Hey, Duke here. You know when I go for a car ride, I love to stick my big nose out the window and take a big whiff of all the wonderful smells in the air. Sometimes, though, when my owner makes me get my head back inside and I smell the inside of the car, it doesn't always smell... well, wonderful. So today, we are going to take a deep breath and discuss the importance of the Cabin Air Filter.

When you get in your vehicle, how does it smell? If it's not so nice, it may be time to have your cabin air filter changed.

It's not the same one that filters out the air used in the engine.  The cabin air filter screens out dust and other particulates from the outside air so when they enter the cabin, you don't have to breathe them when you're driving.  Maybe your commute finds you traveling along dusty rural roads, or maybe you pass by some city factories with smokestacks spewing out smoky exhausts.  Or, in spring, maybe you notice your allergies acting up because of the pollen in the air.  The cabin air filter will remove a lot of those things.

The more it filters out, the more small particles accumulate. This reduces the amount of airflow the heating/air conditioning system can handle, and you may notice less air coming through your vehicle's vents. This can also be a sign that you need your air filter replaced.

Our technicians will remove and inspect the air filter, which is usually located around the glove compartment, under the dash, or sometimes in the engine compartment. If you wish, your service advisor can show you what condition yours is in; if it needs replacing, you'll be able to see the dirt, bugs, leaves, and other crud that accumulates after several months of driving. 

Each vehicle's manufacturer recommends an interval after which the cabin air filter should be replaced. Depending on how much and where you drive, you might need a replacement more or less often than the manual suggests.

Just like you clean your furnace filters periodically, it's wise to do the same with your vehicle.  After you do, you'll find you might just breathe easier!

My quote this week about breathing,

"Breathe and you know that you are alive." ~Annabel Laity



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Cayenne Breathes Fresh Air Inside Your Car in Los Altos


Some say I have quite a nose for smells.  I must agree!  Hi Cayenne here, and today we are going to bark about air quality inside the car.  So take a deep breath, and let's get barkin'!

Air quality has certainly become a hot issue in our modern world. We install air filters on our ventilation systems and in our vacuum cleaners. There's a filter that cleans the air going into our vehicle's engine, so why not have one for the air in the passenger compartment?

Foreign and domestic vehicle manufacturers haven't been ignoring the issue. Cabin air filters are becoming a standard feature on newer vehicles. These filters can clean particles out of the air down to three microns, which accounts for pollen, dust and most pollutants. Los Altos residents who suffer from allergies or have respiratory disorders should be a lot more comfortable. And even if you don't have a medical need for the filter, the cleaner air in your car just might help you breathe better, figuratively as well as literally.

Cabin air filters are still fairly new in the Los Altos area, so you'll have to check your vehicle owner's manual to see if you have one. If you do, your routine car care must include changing the filter as part of your preventive maintenance. The owner's manual will recommend how often the filter has to be changed, but if the air where you live in CA is particularly dirty or if you're prone to hay fever, you may want to change it more often.

Your friendly service advisor at Allied Auto Works can also offer suggestions on how often to change your cabin air filter in your Los Altos area. They're the ones who actually see the dirty filters, after all.

There is no standardized location for cabin air filters. Los Altos residents can usually find them in the vehicle engine compartment or under the dashboard, but they might be somewhere else. So, the ease of changing the filter will depend on its location. Some are readily accessible, but others make you wonder how they got installed in the first place. Bring your car into Allied Auto Works and we will locate your cabin air filter for you.

However, if you have a newer vehicle, it's good auto advice to find out if it has a cabin air filter. If it does, you should change the filter regularly. A sure sign that a filter needs to be changed is that the interior of your vehicle will start to smell bad. That smell is exactly how some Los Altos drivers discovered that they had cabin air filters in the first place!

Cabin air filters are just one more way we have to stay safe, stay healthy and stay on the road in CA.

I leave you with this quote about breathing,

Breathe and you know that you are alive. ~Annabel Laity



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Duke Breathes Deep in Los Altos With a New Cabin Air Filter


Hey, it's Duke, and I love taking in all fresh smells on beautiful spring days, but inside a car sometimes, not so much.  So today I am going to bark about checking your cabin air filter to inside air quality smelling fresh.  Let's get barkin'!

Poor interior air quality is nothing to sneeze at, and Los Altos auto owners might be interested to know that more and more new cars are coming equipped with a cabin air filter. Check your vehicle owner's manual, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 kilometers).

The filter is usually under the vehicle hood or under the dashboard. Some are a little tricky to get to, so you'll want to have your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service advisor take care of replacing them.

As we said, many Los Altos people don't realize they have a cabin air filter and come to Allied Auto Works saying, "My vents are smelling bad." It usually turns out to be a dirty cabin air filter. A switch out, and they're on their way, smelling sweet.

Los Altos residents who suffer from allergies can really benefit from a cabin air filter as it keeps irritants to a minimum. If you're one of them, you'll want to replace your filter regularly.

If you do a lot of driving in dusty or polluted Los Altos conditions, you'll need to change your cabin air filter more often.

Give us a call to schedule that appointment today.

I leave you with a fresh air quote for this week,

Fresh air is good if you do not take too much of it; most of the achievements and pleasures of life are in bad air.

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cabin Air Filter

Duke Breathes Deep With Your Cabin Air Filter


Hi, Duke here and nothing like taking a deep breath and taking in the crisp fall air.  But what if the air quality is not good? Now that air doesn't appeal so much, imagine what it is doing to your car's air system.  Well, today we will bark about your vehicle's cabin air filter.  So sit back, take a breath, and let's get started.

Bad air quality while driving around Los Altos is nothing to sneeze at. But seriously, more vehicles these days are equipped with cabin air filters. Many folks don't know about them since they're relatively new on the scene.

These filters clean the air in your car or truck's passenger compartment or cabin. They do the same job as the furnace filter you have at home. They can filter out particles as small as three microns. By contrast, a grain of sand is about 200 microns.

So, your cabin air filter can clean out dust, pollution, pollen, and spores to keep the air in your car nice and clean. And just like your furnace filter, they must be replaced when they get dirty. Check your owner's manual or ask your service advisor at Allied Auto Works, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000-24,000 kilometers).

The filter is usually either under the hood or under the dashboard. Some are a little tricky to get to, so you'll want to have Allied Auto Works take care of replacing them.

As we said, many people don't realize they have a cabin air filter and go to their shop complaining about a funky smell in the ventilation system. It turned out to be a cabin air filter that was long overdue for replacement – really dirty and starting to smell. A quick replacement, and they were on their way and smelling fine.

Los Altos allergy-sensitive residents can benefit from a cabin air filter, as it keeps allergens to a minimum. If you're one of them, you'll want to stay on top of your filter replacement schedule.

Of course, if you do a lot of driving around the Los Altos area in dusty or polluted conditions, you'll need to change your cabin air filter more often.

I leave you with this quote,

For breath is life, and if you breathe well you will live long on earth. ~Sanskrit proverb


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Cayenne Breathes Deep With A New Cabin Air Filter


Cayenne here and with all the California Wild Fires we have lately I thought it was important to remind you of your car's cabin filter.  It has an important job to help keep the air in your car smelling good and fresh from the air outside and with all the smoke we have had, believe me, it has been working overtime.   So let's breathe into this important filter system. 

Poor interior air quality is nothing to sneeze at, and Los Altos auto owners might be interested to know that more and more new cars are coming equipped with a cabin air filter. Check your vehicle owner's manual, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 kilometers).

The filter is usually under the vehicle hood or under the dashboard. Some are a little tricky to get to, so you'll want to have your friendly and knowledgeable Allied Auto Works service advisor take care of replacing them.

As we said, many Los Altos people don't realize they have a cabin air filter and come to Allied Auto Works saying "my vents are smelling bad." It usually turns out to be a dirty cabin air filter. A switch out and they're on their way, smelling sweet.

Los Altos residents who suffer from allergies can really benefit from a cabin air filter as it keeps irritants to a minimum. If you're one of them, you'll want to replace your filter regularly.

If you do a lot of driving in dusty or polluted South Bay conditions, you'll need to change your cabin air filter more often.

Give us a call and replace that cabin filter today!



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cabin Air Filter

Cayenne Sniffs Fresh Air Inside Your Car


Aaaaah, nothing like a breath of fresh air but what about the air inside your car?????  Hi Cayenne here and today we will bark about what kind of air quality is inside your car.  So take a deep breath and watch my video first!



Air quality has certainly become a hot issue in our modern world. We install air filters on our ventilation systems and in our vacuum cleaners. There's a filter that cleans the air going into our vehicle's engine — so why not one for the air in the passenger compartment?

Foreign and domestic vehicle manufacturers haven't been ignoring the issue. Cabin air filters are becoming a standard feature on newer vehicles. These filters can clean particles out of the air down to three microns, which accounts for pollen, dust and most pollutants. Los Altos residents who suffer from allergies or have a respiratory disorder should be a lot more comfortable. And even if you don't have a medical need for the filter, the cleaner air in your car just might help you breathe better, figuratively as well as literally.

Cabin air filters are still fairly new in the Los Altos area, so you'll have to check your vehicle owner's manual to see if you have one. If you do, your routine car care will have to include changing the filter as part of your preventive maintenance. The owner's manual will give recommendations on how often the filter has to be changed, but if the air where you live in CA is particularly dirty or if you're prone to hay fever, you may want to change it more often.

Your friendly service advisor at Allied Auto Works can also offer suggestions on how often to change your cabin air filter in your Los Altos area. They're the ones who actually see the dirty filters, after all.

There is no standardized location for cabin air filters. Los Altos residents can usually find them in the vehicle engine compartment or under the dashboard, but they might be somewhere else. So the ease of changing the filter will depend on its location. Some are readily accessible, but others make you wonder how they got installed in the first place. Bring your car into Allied Auto Works and we will locate your cabin air filter for you.

However, if you have a newer vehicle, it's good auto advice to find out if it has a cabin air filter. If it does, you should change the filter regularly. A sure sign that a filter needs to be changed is that the interior of your vehicle will start to smell bad. That smell is exactly how some Los Altos drivers discovered that they had cabin air filters in the first place!

Cabin air filters are just one more way we have to stay safe, stay healthy and stay on the road in CA.

Now you can relax and exhale,



Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Duke Wants You To Breathe Deep With Your Cabin Air Filter

dukeHi Duke here and with all the bad air quality we have had the past few weeks, I thought is was important to bark to you about your Cabin Air Filter and how it helps you breathe better.  So let's watch my video below on this subject!


Bad air quality while you're driving around Los Altos is nothing to sneeze at. But seriously, more and more vehicles these days come equipped with a cabin air filter. Since they're fairly new on the scene, a lot of folks don't know about them yet.

These filters clean the air in the passenger compartment, or cabin, of your car or truck. They do the same job as the furnace filter you have at home. They can filter out particles as small as three microns. By contrast, a grain of sand is about 200 microns.

So your cabin air filter can clean out dust, pollution, pollen and spores to keep the air in your car nice and clean. And just like your furnace filter, they need to be replaced when they get dirty. Check your owner's manual or ask your service advisor at Allied Auto Works, but they typically need to be replaced at around 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000-24,000 kilometers).

The filter is usually either under the hood or under the dashboard. Some are a little tricky to get to, so you'll want to have Allied Auto Works take care of replacing them.

As we said, many people don't realize they have a cabin air filter and go to their shop complaining about a funky smell in the ventilation system. It turned out to be a cabin air filter that was long overdue for replacement – really dirty and starting to smell. A quick replacement and they were on their way and smelling fine.

Los Altos residents who are allergy sensitive can really benefit from a cabin air filter, as it keeps allergens to a minimum. If you're one of them, you'll want to stay on top of your filter replacement schedule.

Of course if you do a lot of driving around the Los Altos area in dusty or polluted conditions, you'll need to change your cabin air filter more often.

Here is to breathing fresh air,

Duke      duke

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024


Cabin Air Filter

Cayenne Is Keeping Your Air Fresh When Driving With a Clean Cabin Air Filter


Pop quiz: What is a cabin air filter?

A. A filter for your Los Altos house?
B. A fresh, piney scent?
C. A filter for the passenger compartment of your car?

Clever you, it's C.

Hi Cayenne here and you got it we are going to bark Fresh Air in your car  so let's get  nose goin'!


A cabin air filter cleans the outside air before it comes into the passenger compartment of your vehicle. It filters out common CA air particles like dust, pollen, spores, bacteria, pollutants, exhaust gas, odors and even sparrows.

These high tech filters can block particles larger than 3 microns. By contrast, a grain of sand is about 200 microns.

Not all Los Altos vehicles have cabin air filters. They are fairly new on the scene in CA. Last check, about 40 percent of new vehicles sold in Los Altos come with cabin air filters, but the number is growing every year.

Cabin air filters make driving a lot more pleasant for people in Los Altos. Your vehicle can be a haven during our CA allergy season with very little dust and pollen getting into the cabin. Of course, like all filters, the cabin air filter eventually gets clogged. When this happens, your heating and air conditioning flow can become restricted. The filter can even get kind of smelly.

Check your owner's manual for replacement guidelines. If your vehicle owner's manual doesn't mention your cabin air filter, ask your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Allied Auto Works for a recommendation. It's usually every year or 12,000 miles /19,000 kilometers. Change it sooner if you drive in dusty conditions around the Los Altos area, or if you start to notice a funky smell coming from your vents.

The team at Allied Auto Works urges Los Altos drivers to keep their cabin air filter cleans. It may not help with your brother-in-law in the backseat, but it will make your driving experience around Los Altos more enjoyable.

cay   Come by and we'll take a look at your cabin air filter for you so you come  out smellin' fresh!  


Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024



Cabin Air Filter

Duke's Cabin Air Filter With Allied Auto Works

Duke here and today we are going to learn about the cabin air filer, let's get barking!

What is a cabin air filter?

Is it:

  1. A filter for a house in the middle of the woods?
  2. A fresh, piney scent?
  3. A filter for the passenger compartment of your car?

Clever you, it's 3.

A cabin air filter cleans the outside air before it comes into the passenger compartment. It filters out dust, pollen, spores, bacteria, pollutants, sparrows, exhaust gas and odors.

These high tech filters can block particles larger than 3 microns. By contrast, a grain of sand is about 200 microns.

Now not all vehicles have cabin filters. They are fairly new on the scene. About forty percent of new vehicles come with cabin air filters, but the number is growing every year.

Cabin air filters can make for a very nice driving environment. Your car can be a haven during allergy season with very little dust and pollen getting into the cabin. However, the filter eventually gets clogged. When this happens, your heating and air conditioning flow can become restricted. The filter can even get kind of smelly.

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024

Check your owner's manual for recommended replacement intervals. Often, the owner's manual forgets about the cabin air filter, so ask your service technician for a recommendation. It's usually every year or 12,000 miles/ 19,000 kilometers. Change it sooner if you drive in dusty conditions or if you start to notice an odor from your ventilation system.

So keep your cabin air filter clean.

It may not help with your brother-in-law or the dogs in the backseat, but it will make your driving experience more enjoyable and mine too!





Cabin Air Filter
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