Posted on 1/5/2020

Hey, it's Duke and Happy New Year to ya! Well, I am sure you were on some adventures this past holiday driving your vehicle all over the state visiting relatives. The power steering did a lot of work getting you there so today I am going to make sure you get to your next destination by educating you on power steering service at Allied Auto Works. So let's get barkin' I always say and watch my video below first!
Today we're going to talk about power steering service in Los Altos. If you took an informal poll around Los Altos you'd probably find that most vehicle owners have never heard of power steering service. That's not surprising. Even though power steering is standard on every vehicle, most people in Los Altos aren't aware that it needs periodic service.
If you're younger than a certain age, you've probably never driven a vehicle without power steering. To get an idea of the difference; if you've ever cut a board with a hand saw, you know it's a lot of work. Using a power saw is easy-peasy by comparison.
Without power steering, your arms have to do all the work to steer the wheels, and that's hard, especially around downtown Los Altos. That's why old cars had such big steering wheels: to get enough leverage to steer.
Most vehicles in Los Altos have a hydraulic power steering system. The serpentine belt from the engine powers a pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid. This actuates a hydraulic cylinder that provides power to help steer.
Some vehicles in Los Altos use an electric pump to pressurize the fluid rather than a belt-driven pump. We're also seeing vehicles with electric motors providing the power assist, not using power steering fluid at all. We'll see a lot more electric systems as more hybrids and electric vehicles hit the market.
At least for now, the vast majority of power steering systems use power steering fluid that needs to be serviced. The fluid needs to be changed for a couple of reasons. For one, it attracts moisture. Water has different hydraulic qualities than power steering fluid, and that makes a difference in steering performance. Water is also corrosive and can damage power steering components. The fluid also just gets dirty and needs to be changed. Removing the old fluid and flushing out the system gets rid of dirt and deposits. The clean, fresh fluid lubricates and provides better corrosion protection.
So ask your service advisors, Matt or Travis at Allied Auto Works or check your owner's manual to see when power steering service is recommended. It'll extend the life of your power steering components.
Happy Trails to you,

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 9/22/2019
Duke here and today I am going to steer you in the right direction of power steering. So let's get barkin' on this subject today!
Virtually all vehicles come with power steering, so many Los Altos drivers have never driven a car or truck without it. Power steering assists you when you turn your vehicle steering wheel. Without it, it would be very hard to steer.
Now this power assist comes in a couple of forms. In recent years, a lot of vehicles have an electric motor that reduces steering effort and helps improve performance and handling.
The other kind of power steering is hydraulic. This is the kind most older CA vehicles — and a lot of newer ones — have. Power steering fluid is pressurized by a pump and is used to assist steering. Of course, vehicles need the right amount of fluid in the system. If it's too low, your steering is affected and you could damage your vehicle pump.
Also, power steering fluid can become corrosive over time and damage the pump, hoses, and connectors, leading to leaks and repairs. Power steering service at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos includes removing the contaminated fluid and replacing it with fresh fluid.
A word for Los Altos drivers about power steering pumps: Some are powered by an electric motor. Others are driven by the serpentine belt. A worn serpentine belt stresses all of the vehicle components it drives, including the power steering pump, so replace the belt at Allied Auto Works as advised to avoid undue repairs.
Losing your power steering while driving in Los Altos can be unsettling – just remember that you can still steer, it'll just be harder. Check with your service advisor's Matt and Travis at Allied Auto Works to see if it's time to service your vehicle's power steering system.
In addition to power steering service, at Allied Auto Works we offer comprehensive automotive services.
Give the team at Allied Auto Works a call today and tell them Duke steered you in the right direction,

Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 10/11/2016
Hi it's me again Cayenne and today I am sticking my nose in about how to steer let's get barking!
Virtually all vehicles come with power steering so many Los Altos drivers have never driven a car or truck without it. Power steering assists you when you turn your vehicle steering wheel. Without it, it would be very hard to steer.
Now this power assist comes in a couple of forms. In recent years, a lot of vehicles have an electric motor that reduces steering effort and helps improve performance and handling.
The other kind of power steering is hydraulic. This is the kind most older CA vehicles, and a lot of newer ones, have. Power steering fluid is pressurized by a pump and is used to assist steering. Of course, vehicles need the right amount of fluid in the system. If it's too low your steering is affected and you could damage your vehicle pump.
Also, power steering fluid can become corrosive over time and damage the pump, hoses and connectors; leading to leaks and repairs. Power steering service at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos includes removing the contaminated fluid and replacing it with fresh fluid.
A word for Los Altos drivers about power steering pumps: Some are powered by an electric motor. Others are driven by the serpentine belt. A worn serpentine belt stresses all of the vehicle components it drives, including the power steering pump, so replace the belt at Allied Auto Works as advised to avoid undue repairs.
Losing your power steering while driving in Los Altos can be unsettling – just remember that you can still steer, it'll just be harder. Check with your service advisor at Allied Auto Works to see if it's time to service your vehicles power steering system.
In addition to power steering service, at Allied Auto Works we offer comprehensive automotive services.
Give us a call and let us know Cayenne sent ya! 
Til next week, this is your all knowing nose,
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 3/24/2016
It's Cayenne and I do not want to steer you wrong so we are going to learn about Power Steering Service, let's get started!
For most of us living in the South Bay area, it is hard to remember life without power steering - cranking those great big steering wheels? It was a pretty good workout. Now power steering is standard. The heart of any power steering system is its pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid that provides assist for steering. Most pumps are driven by a belt that is run by the engine - a few are electrically powered. A high-pressure hose passes fluid from the pump to the steering gear. A low pressure hose returns the fluid back to the pump.
These hoses can develop leaks, so it is a good idea to inspect them at every oil change. Low fluid can damage the power steering pump. That is why fluid level is on the checklist for a full-service oil change. The fluid needs to be compatible with the hoses and seals, so check your owners' manual for the right type - or just ask your service technician at Allied Auto Works.
The fluid cleans, cools and lubricates the power steering system. It breaks down as the years go by and collects unwanted moisture, so it needs to be replaced from time to time. Many manufacturers specify power steering service intervals. Unfortunately, this important service is sometimes left off the maintenance schedule for many of us in Los Altos. So, when in doubt, every 25,000 miles/40,000 km or two years is a good fallback. Your Allied Auto Works service center in Los Altos will use a detergent to clean the system, flush out the old fluid and replace it with the good stuff.
Here are some warning signs of trouble with your power steering: It's harder to turn the wheel, there's erratic power assist, you hear loud whining coming from the pump (which may be difficult to hear over the loud whining coming from the backseat), you have to top-off the fluid frequently, or you hear squealing belts. Remember to never hold the steering wheel to the far right or left for more than a few seconds at a time. That will wear out your power steering pump real fast.
Other steering components can be bent or damaged from wear or hard knocks. Ball-joint, idler-arm, steering-gear, steering-knuckle and tie rod to name a few. Warning signs here are steering play, wandering, uneven tire wear, and off-center steering wheel. An annual alignment check at Allied Auto Works will reveal bent or damaged steering components.
Most SUV's, pick-ups and rear-wheel-drive cars need regular front-wheel-bearing service.
The bearings should be cleaned and inspected. If they are excessively worn, they need to be replaced. The bearings are then repacked in clean grease. It's also recommend the wheel-seal be replaced when the bearings are serviced. Like everything else, check your owners' manual maintenance schedule. It's usually required around every two years or 40,000 miles/64,000 km. If you drive through water in the South Bay area, the bearings will need service more often.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Well I hope I steered into the right path today,
Posted on 3/11/2014

There was a man in Los Altos who learned that most car accidents occur within a mile of home – so he moved. (Just Kidding!) Yes it is Cayenne and we are barking defensive driving.
When we think of defensive driving, we often focus on our local CA highway situations. The fact of the matter is we need to be just as careful close to home in Los Altos, because that's where we do most of our driving. We can't let our familiar surroundings keep us from driving defensively.
Defensive driving begins with the proper attitude. Have in mind that you won't let anyone take your safety away from you. You'll be aware of your surroundings, road conditions, other vehicles and hazards. And the first person to be concerned with is you: start with your own environment.
Don't leave without securing all occupants including children and pets. Watch for loose items that can become projectiles during evasive maneuvers.
Driving too fast or too slow increases the chance of an accident.
Never drive impaired: Alcohol is a factor in half of all fatal crashes. Never drink and drive.
Other impairments include being sleepy, angry, daydreaming or talking. If you suddenly wonder how you got where you are – you're not paying enough attention.
Keep your windows clean and uncluttered. No fuzzy dice and stickers.
Keep your car in good shape so that it handles properly: Maintain tires, lights, brakes, suspension, wheel alignment and steering.
Always use your turn signals while driving around Los Altos CA. Avoid other vehicles' blind spots.
Don't drive faster than your headlights – if you can't stop within the distance you can see, you're going too fast.
Avoid driving over debris in the road. Even harmless looking items can cause damage or an accident.
Keep your wheels straight when waiting to turn at an Los Altos CA intersection. That way if you're hit from behind, your car won't be pushed into on-coming traffic.
My daddy always said that when you drive, you're actually driving five cars: yours, the one in front, the one behind and the ones on either side. You can't trust that other drivers will do the right thing, so you've got to be aware of what they're doing at all times.
If you see another car driving erratically, weaving, crossing lanes, etc., stay back. Take the next right turn if you're downtown Los Altos, or take the next exit on the CA highway. Notify the police if you see someone driving dangerously in our Los Altos community.
Never follow too close. The minimum distance is the two second rule. Pick a landmark ahead, like a tree or road marker. When the car in front of you passes it, start counting: 'one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand'. If you pass the landmark before reaching two-one-thousand, you're following too close.
Remember that the two second rule is the minimum – it assumes you're alert and aware. Three seconds is safer. Move out to five seconds or more if it's foggy or rainy.
Someone will inevitably move into your forward safety zone – just drop back and keep a safe distance.
If someone follows you too closely, just move over.
Don't play chicken by contesting your right of way or race to beat someone to a merge. Whoever loses that contest has the potential to lose big and you don't want any part of that. So stay alert, constantly scan around your car and arrive safely.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road & 1540 Miramonte Ave.
Los Altos, CA 94024
650.968.7227 & 650.947.7228
Bark to you next week, this is Cayenne checking out.
Posted on 11/14/2013

Hello it's Cayenne again and today we're going to talk about power steering service in Los Altos. If you took an informal poll around Los Altos you'd probably find that most have never heard of power steering service. That's not surprising. Even though power steering is standard on every vehicle, most people in Los Altos aren't aware that it needs periodic service.
If you're younger than a certain age, you've probably never driven a car or truck without power steering. To get an idea of the difference; if you've ever cut a bone with a hand saw, you know it's a lot of work. Using a power saw is easy-peasy by comparison.
Without power steering, your arms have to do all the work to steer the wheels, and that's hard, especially around downtown Los Altos. That's why old cars had such big steering wheels; to get enough leverage to steer.
Most vehicles in Los Altos have a hydraulic power steering system. The serpentine belt from the engine powers a pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid. This actuates a hydraulic cylinder that provides power to help steer.
Some vehicles in Los Altos use an electric pump to pressurize the fluid rather than a belt driven pump. We're also seeing vehicles with electric motors providing the power assist, not using power steering fluid at all. We'll see a lot more electric systems as more hybrids and electric vehicles hit the market.
At least for now, the vast majority of power steering systems use power steering fluid that needs to be serviced. The fluid needs to be changed for a couple of reasons. For one, it attracts moisture. Water has different hydraulic qualities than power steering fluid, and that makes a difference in steering performance. Water is also corrosive and can damage power steering components. The fluid also just gets dirty and needs to be changed. Removing the old fluid and flushing out the system gets rid of dirt and deposits. The clean, fresh fluid lubricates and provides better corrosion protection.
So ask your Los Altos service advisor at Allied Auto Works or check your owner's manual to see when power steering service is recommended. It'll extend the life of your power steering components. Tell them Cayenne sent you!
See you next time,
Posted on 7/31/2013
Power steering is standard on nearly every car and truck in Los Altos, CA these days. Now there are some exotic, new types of power steering systems, but for the most part, the general setup is a pump that’s driven by a belt powered by the engine.
Contact the automotive professionals at Allied Auto Works in Los Altos for questions about your power steering.
The pump generates power that assists you as you steer your sedan around Los Altos, CA. Power steering systems use hoses to move pressurized fluid back and forth. These hoses can develop leaks so it’s a good idea to have your Los Altos service specialist inspect them at every oil change.
A check of the power steering fluid level is on the list for every full service oil change at Allied Auto Works because low fluid can damage the power steering pump. And the fluid needs to be compatible with the hoses and seals, so you need to use the correct type –just ask your service specialist at Allied Auto Works.
In addition to providing boost, the fluid cleans, cools and lubricates the power steering system. Over time, the lubricants and detergents diminish so Los Altos car owners need to replace their old fluid with clean, fresh fluid periodically.
Excess moisture can collect in the power steering fluid as well. That can lead to rust and corrosion as well as reduce the effectiveness of the fluid. Many auto manufacturers outline power steering service intervals in the owner’s manual. Unfortunately, this important service is sometimes left off the maintenance schedule. If you're not sure, every two years is a good rule of thumb.
At Allied Auto Works, we use a detergent to clean the system, flush out the old fluid and replace it with new fluid.
Now, if you are experiencing high steering effort, erratic power assist, loud whining coming from the pump you may have a power steering problem. Another sign is that you have to frequently top off the fluid.
Holding the steering wheel to the far right or left for more than a few seconds at a time can wear your pump out real fast. AutoNetTV wants you to be sure to service your power steering system regularly to keep you headed in the right direction.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024
Posted on 6/14/2013
Most of us living in the Los Altos area are too young to remember life before power steering - cranking those great big steering wheels! It was a pretty good workout. Now power steering is standard. Let's look at how it works. The heart of any power steering system is its pump. The pump pressurizes the power steering fluid that provides assist for steering. Most pumps are driven by a belt that is run by the engine - a few are electrically powered. A high-pressure hose passes fluid from the pump to the steering gear. A low pressure hose returns the fluid back to the pump.
These hoses can develop leaks, so it is a good idea to inspect them at every oil change. Low fluid can damage the power steering pump. That is why fluid level is on the checklist for a full-service oil change. The fluid needs to be compatible with the hoses and seals, so check your owners' manual for the right type - or just ask your personal service advisor at Allied Auto Works.
The fluid cleans, cools and lubricates the power steering system. It breaks down as the years go by and collects unwanted moisture, so Los Altos auto owners need to replace it from time to time. Many car makers specify power steering service intervals. Unfortunately, this important service is sometimes left off the car maintenance schedule for many of us in Los Altos. So, when in doubt, every 25,000 miles/40,000 km or two years is a good fallback. Your Allied Auto Works service advisor will use a detergent to clean the system, flush out the old fluid and replace it with the good stuff.
Here are some warning signs of trouble with your power steering: It's harder to turn the wheel, there's erratic power assist, you hear loud whining coming from the pump (which may be difficult to hear over the loud whining coming from the backseat), you have to top-off the fluid frequently, or you hear squealing belts. Remember to never hold the steering wheel to the far right or left for more than a few seconds at a time. That will wear out your power steering pump real fast.
Other steering components can be bent or damaged from wear or hard knocks. Ball-joint, idler-arm, steering-gear, steering-knuckle and tie rod to name a few. Warning signs here are steering play, wandering, uneven tire wear, and off-center steering wheel. An annual alignment check at Allied Auto Works will reveal bent or damaged steering components.
Most SUV's, pick-ups and rear-wheel-drive cars need regular front-wheel-bearing service.
The bearings should be cleaned and inspected. If they are excessively worn, they need to be replaced. The bearings are then repacked in clean grease. It's also recommend the wheel-seal be replaced when the bearings are serviced. Like everything else, check your owners' manual maintenance schedule. It's usually required around every two years or 40,000 miles/64,000 km. If you drive through water in the Los Altos area, the bearings will need service more often.
Allied Auto Works
2073 Grant Road
Los Altos, CA 94024